Friday, January 27, 2006

This may be the only thing I ever support from this administration.

The gleeful muckraking that left-wingers (led by TIME) over possible connections between Abramoff and Bush is irritating. Frankly, it reminds me why I really hate both sides, just Democrats less so than Republicans. Everyone's getting in a lather over whether Bush had his photo taken with Abramoff. I don't even care if Bush was lobbied by the asshole: it's still a non-story and the White House is right to treat it as such. Even if Abramoff is as guilty as he appears to be, I don't think you can fault the President for having contact with him, unless you can prove that he was known to be guilty at the time. It doesn't even matter to me whether Abramoff embezzled millions from his clients, so long as he goes to jail for it. The problem here isn't one crooked lobbyist and whether he had ties to the administration or not; the problem isn't even the thousands of other lobbyist who are perhaps !% less slimy that this particular asshole; the problem is the power wielded by the industries paying the lobbyist. Fuck Bush. Fuck Abramoff. Fix the system. How? Well, that'll have to be a post for another day (don't hold your breath). Note: I find it amusing that for the most part, I still write these posts as though I'm addressing an audience. But in reality, I'm pretty sure about 1 1/2 people ever check this page. Silly Rabbit. ----- Listening to: my noisy library


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