Oh Wicked Zoot!
Got to sleep at an indecent hour this morning for undisclosed reasons. Sometime around five AM I was jerked awake by the unmistakeable sound of a cat coughing up a bellyful of something nasty. This not infrequent occurence usually provokes a groan, a turn, and a new dream. However, on this morning, I vaulted from unconsciousness to full blown terror as I perceived that the vomiting noises were eminating from a spot approximately six inches to my right, on the bed. My brain decided that opening my eyes was a lower priority than getting the offender as far away from me as possible. My franctic kicking and pushing dislodged the perpetrator from her perch near my right armpit; she terminated her desecration of the hallway floor shortly thereafter. H reassured me that she had only puked a little on her side so I did my best to put the nightmare out of my head and go back to sleep. Two minutes later I hear Sue-dog, cunning burgler that she is, tiptoeing out of her cage and onto the trail of the puker. Tick tick tick: her claws; Slurp slurp slurp: her tongue; Shuddering and smothering his head with a pillow: me. The final, most dusgusting twist didn't raise it's head until later that morning. I will forgoe the details as, starting now, I plan to pretend it never happened. ----- Listening to: pgroove 2005-11-18 Astro Monkey through Bobblehead