Monday, March 13, 2006

Movin' On Up

Hey all one of you that know this blog exists: I'm moving the good ol' blog over to wordpress ( I've never been that thrilled with blogger; we'll see if wordpress is any better. Blogger gets to keep the template, my login, the house, and half of one of the cats but no alimony. All the old posts are over there, so no need to ever come back here unless something goes horribly wrong with the new site.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I Evoke Brow XV:

Hyperion, Dan Simmons I had a hard time getting into this book, then I got sucked in, then I didn't like it too much, then sucked in again, then horribly disappointed by the ending, or rather the utter lack of an ending. I understand when books leave them selves open to sequels and I don't have a problem with it, but this book builds suspense for 500 pages and then quits just before the natural climax, without resolving anything, and after dropping a huge, impossible to foresee plot twist on the unfortunate reader. It's a good yarn, but bad Science Fiction. Though at times entertaining, it's too cluttered with with different styles, characters, ideas, and everything else. The different narrative styles Simmons employs seem forced at times. And the weaving of fantastic elements with hard technology left a bad taste in my mouth. Not one I'd recommend. Call it a 4/10. ----- Listening to: Disco Biscuits, February 24th, 2006